

  • Our Optometry team is committed to creating a completely professional and specialist experience that’s centred around you.

At Look of Australia we allow 45 minutes to deliver a professional, comprehensive vision test and eye health exam. 

We are a private billing practice- meaning there is a consultation fee, for which you are eligible a Medicare rebate.  This fee includes all retinal photography, which is an essential part of your eye health assessment. Please bring your Medicare card for immediate rebate processing into your bank account. The out of pocket expense will be approximately $40. 

Private health insurance contributes towards spectacles and/ or contact lenses but not the consultation fee.

  • Comprehensive Consultation (45 minutes) $99.90

    Comprehensive consult includes photography for no additional cost

    Medicare Rebate: $64.40

    Extended appointment (45-60 minutes) $150

    Extended plus appointment (60-90 minutes) $185

    medicare rebate of $64.40 applies to extended appointments

    Subsequent Consultation $75

    Medicare Rebate: $32.40

    *DVA Gold Card holders will continue to be bulk billed

  • Visual Fields Test $89

    Medicare Rebate: $57.25

    OCT $85

    No Medicare Rebate

    for more information on additional tests, click here

  • Contact Lens Teach/Fit $200

    Medicare Rebate *Conditions Apply

    Contact Lens Review/Aftercare $75

    No Medicare Rebate

    *Specialty services incur different fees, please enquire for details

    *DVA Gold Card holders will continue to be bulk billed

  • Optometry Australia Recommended Fees

    Comprehensive Consultation $256.44

    Subsequent Consultation $134.73

    Visual Fields Test $128.30


We are more than happy to fit new lenses to your own existing frame. Please be aware that Look Optical Company trading as Look of Australia, is not liable for any damage or breakage of frames re-used in new orders. Be it a frame originally purchased at Look of Australia or any other company. We do take all care when fitting lenses into your own frame, however it is done at your own risk and fitting fees may apply.