UV damage and the eyes
We’re all at risk for UV damage; the more exposure to UV we get, the higher the effect/risk. The structures within our eyes can also be impacted by UV, which can lead to issues such as damage to the front of the eye, progression/earlier development of cataracts and even conditions like macula degeneration.
Light Sensitivity
Light can be obstructive or harmful, and may annoy us or adversely impact vision. Here are the most common situations in which people say light is troublesome…
Myopia Control
So what is myopia control? What are the options? Does my child need it? Does my child really need it? Are there risks associated with the options? What should I choose?
What to expect during your eye exam
Have you never had an eye exam before? Are you wanting reassurance on what’s going to happen? Or are you simply curious about what is going to take 45 minutes here at Look of Australia? Well you’ve come to the right place!
Macular Degeneration
Macular degeneration is an eye disease which impacts the macular, the part of the eye responsible for fine central vision
Varilux X Near Vision Behaviour Lens
Look of Australia is proudly one of 12 Optometry practices within Australia, and the only store in Tasmania that can offer you the Exclusive Varilux X Near Vision Behavior (NVB) lens.
Optical Coherence Tomography
“Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) is an imaging technique that uses low-coherence light to capture micro-meter resolution, two and three dimensional images from within biological tissue.” (Wikipedia) Whew! What does that mean in English??? Well, the way I explain it to my patient’s is this: